The only place that lists every Nessie sighting.
Sightings count at Loch Ness -
recorded to date
Webcam images from 2021 onwards - 13 recorded to date
"While there are many people who do not believe that the Loch Ness Monster exists, there is practically no one who would not be overjoyed to find out that it did" - Daniel Cohen 1970
Have a look here at the details of the reports from 2024. We're still awaiting the first of 2025.
Look here for the webcam images reported from 2021 onwards.
If you want to work out where and when is best to see Nessie if you're in the area, have a look here for some tips
From 2021 on we've decided it was only fair to show the reports of webcam images in a separate list from those reported by people at the loch - this we feel gives a proper feel for the global reach of the Loch Ness phenomenon. If you see something on a webcam please tell the operator first as it's their image - if they think it's worthy, they'll pass it to us.
If you're staying in accommodation around the loch look out for the 'report a sighting' cards issued by the Cobbs group If you can't make it in person, have a look at the Nessie on the Net! Webcam
To see the loch in all its glory, drive the MONSTER 66 - all the best places to see Nessie
The total count includes all those reported and recorded since 565AD - the very first sighting report can be seen here. The register is split into three sections:
- Sightings from the 21st Century - these show that Nessie sightings aren't just ancient folklore.
- Sightings from 1986 - 1999 - These complete the list for 15 centuries of sightings up to the end of 1999.
- Sightings recorded from 565AD to 1985. Most of these were published in the book 'The Enigma of Loch Ness' by Professor Henry H Bauer although others are being added as they are reported.
However, it's not just Nessie that fascinates people - did you know that in Scotland alone, there are 23 other lochs (in addition to Loch Ness) where sightings of unknown creatures have been noted - we've also decided to record those where we can.
So, if you see something in Loch Ness or elsewhere, let us know and we'll add it to the list. Pictures are especially welcome as they help prove what you saw.
As you'll also appreciate, there are also many historical sightings - we're adding them to the register as we find them so if you know of any old unreported sightings, please tell us so that we can update the lists.
Paige Daley, Registrar of Sightings, Loch Ness
To report a sighting, follow this link : REPORT A SIGHTING
or get in touch on any Nessie matter at